Tryptic above Ansty -Bulbarrow

So first tryptic finished I think? I wanted to capture the first flush of spring as the hedgerow starts to sheds its winter coat for a new year. The fields are bursting with every shade & hue of green and the trees transforming . What a season spring is, not the easiest to capture but definitely the best of challenges.

No time to reflect when I am creating it's best to just move on and not focus recent work as it tends to hold you back. I will look at it again in a month of so and see if I should carry on of leave it there. I am experimenting with different ground colours to show thorough the final painting. The ground colour really does change the hues and temperature of the finished works.

This is the beginning of a Tryptic capturing the road and surrounding countryside of my village. I try tried several different spots but I can't help but be drawn to the lanes and hedgerow it's just what I like to paint. There is always a pressure I feel as an artist not to stick to the same theme in your work but after years of moving away into abstract, still life and life drawings I have come to peace with my subject & style. This doesn't mean I am not pushing my self as i am always striving to move my work on

An other view further above the lane. Its not easy finding a vantage point where you not tresspasing or in a random field or on a road edge.